Workplace Performance Optimisation
The Simple Guide to Enhance Performance & Wellbeing While Minimize Occupational Stress / Risks In The Workplace
Learn The Simple Practical Skills That Helped Some of Our Clients With Increased Productivity

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What Will You Learn From This Guide ?
- How to develop leaders with the skills and knowledge to be better people leaders
- You and your management team will acquire the skillsets to better manage poor performers, negativity, bullying and harassment in the workplace
- How to accelerate the return to work of injured staff
- How to Improve morale, develop constructive workplace cultures and strengthen interpersonal relationships
- How to increase resilience and minimise occupational stress in the workplace
- How to improve productivity, increase focus and collaboration - the hidden cost of disengagement, poor health and low commitment is high
- How to reduce OHS costs and lost time
- How to reduce or avoid workers compensation claims
Industry Research On Performance & Wellbeing

Cost of Disengagement
- Workplace absences are expensive for employers, costing on average $3741 per employee per year in 2010
- Healthiest employees work approximately 143 effective hours compared to 49 effective hours per month by the least healthy
- Where an organisation does not manage health and wellbeing well it is four times more likely to lose talent in the next twelve months

Impact of Wellbeing
- Global research has found that when employees health and wellness is managed well, the percentage of engaged employees increases from 7% to 55%
- Research on has found well managed health and wellness increases creativity and innovation from 20% to 72%
- Research shows that organisations can save $5.81 for every $1 invested in employee wellbeing

Mental Illness
- 1 in 5 employees are likely to experience a mental health condition
- The cost of mental illness to Australia's wellbeing has hit $200 billion a year - equivalent to about 12 per cent of the economy's annual output.
- Mental health problems are the third biggest health problem in Australia, after heart disease and cancer
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How Will This Simple Guide Help You ?

If you want have a highly productive workforce, employees loving their jobs, or even if you just want have happy employees which results in high morale and happy customers, then this is the most important information you'll read all year!
Here's why...
because in high stress environments, not looking after the wellbeing of your staff could mean the difference between having a highly productive workforce or having the headache and cost associated dealing with a compensation claim !
We now understand the workplace behaviours, stress triggers and signals to look for.
My name is Tanja Limnios and I'm a workplace wellbeing and staff performance optimisation expert. I have consulted and improved staff performance in companies like GlaxoSmithKline, KPMG, Office of State Revenue. Human Group, Qantas Credit Union, Johnson & Johnson, Workcover NSW, AON insurance and NSW government just to name a few.
This guide is going to give you the practical strategies to improve team culture, performance and productivity. You'll discover exactly how to make your business profitable just by enhancing your staff performance. You'll discover exactly how to avoid a compensation claim.
You will skip all the trial and errors and staff resistance that stop most workplaces run effectively and with high productivity. You will know exactly how to deal with any interpersonal conflicts no matter has stressed they might be. You will have better quality and more empowering conversations with your staff when they don't feel stressed and overwhelmed anymore.
When you have a highly productive workplace think about the profits and better quality outputs from the staff. Imagine being this workplace that every employee would want to work for. I will walk you step-by-step through how to reduce compensation claims. You get all the latest techniques to avoid personal conflicts with peers and managers. You get the exact blueprint you need to improve your productivity in the workplace.
P.S. - Every day that you leave your employees in a high stress and risk environment is another day that increase the chance for you being faced with a compensation claim.
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See What Our Amazing Clients Have to Say
HR Director GlaxoSmithKline“I have worked with Tanja Limnios, Director of Thinkahead, over a span of many years as her work has been such that it generates repeat business. Tanja has an intuitive understanding of the underlying needs and has worked with us across a number of different focus areas whether it be support for an employee in need, crisis support, conflict management, or culture and team development. Tanja is a passionate and highly competent individual whose strengths lie in her excellent relationship management skills, diagnostic skills and professional competency. Tanja is a delight to work with and I would recommend her to any company looking for someone who can support at both a Corporate and individual employee level.”
HR Manager Johnson & Johnson Research“With a workforce comprising of highly talented scientists and innovation being the key performance requirement, organisational culture is a key enabler. Thinkahead has partnered with HR in providing a work environment that is supportive and respective of all individuals. In addressing specific issues around inappropriate behaviours, Tanja Limnios – Director of Thinkahead provided advice and counsel that enabled the leadership team to raise awareness in an emphatic manner, and provide pragmatic solutions that enabled staff to move from entrenched behaviours to more positive styles, resulting in an open and respectful working environment. Tanja’s area of strength is in quickly understanding the causes of issues then working emphatically and strategically in achieving positive outcomes. I highly recommend Tanja Limnios – she is professional, values driven, inclusive and pragmatic.”
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