At Thinkahead we understand the challenges that individuals with a disability or mental illness face and the impact it can have on an entire family unit. We recognise that each situation is unique and that living with a disability and/or mental illness can stop you from taking part in every day activities.
With this in mind, the national disability scheme NDIS provides an opportunity for individuals to access support services over their life time as well as empower individuals to take charge of their treatment journey.
Individual who are eligible for the scheme are provided with a NDIS plan that reflects their goals, personal circumstances and the disability support that is needed. While the focus of the plan is on the person with the disability, the types of support may also have direct or indirect benefits for families and carers.
Thinkahead is proud to be an accredited NDIS provider. Over the years we have worked closely with families and individuals to achieve their goals that are set in the NDIS plan.
At Thinkahead we have the expertise in the treatment of the following conditions;
- Anxiety disorders
- Mood Disorders
- Grief and Trauma
- Behaviour Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Developmental Disabilities
We help individuals and their families to put their NDIS plan into action by offering the following services:
- Diagnostic Services – screening for developmental disability/delay; mental illness; Autism
- Therapeutic support and counselling – using a variety of evidence based therapeutic methodologies. Counselling may focus on adjusting to a diagnosed condition; reducing the functional impact of the condition, social and communication skills development as well as behavioural and cognitive interventions not to mention daily living and social participation
- Development of daily living and life skills – to help increase the individual’s ability to live as autonomously as possible, including skills in daily life activities, communication and social skills, problem solving and decision making skills and managing funding of supports.
- Disability-specific family support – as often family members /carers are impacted by the individual’s condition, we use a family systems approach and provide support and counselling to family members. We also provide assistance with post-diagnosis information, linkages and referrals)
- Early childhood support and intervention- related to disability or mental health, including clinical support for child and adolescent developmental needs. This intervention is to assist children (0-10 years of age) with disability or developmental delay. Intervention also focuses on increasing a child’s level of functioning or ameliorate a future degradation in functioning.
- Group workshops / training- Development and delivery of group workshops that are customised to the need of the group/community and facilitated by registered psychologists. Topics may range from social skills training; parenting skills training; understanding and managing a mental illness such as an anxiety or mood disorder.
Our services focus on capacity building and are funded and approved by NDIS. If you would like to know more about our NDIS service or would like to access or refer someone please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 9981 3003.